Welcome to my online store! I'm passionate about creating downloadable, printable classroom resources and clip art images that make teaching easier and more enjoyable. As a fellow educator, I understand the challenges of planning engaging lessons and decorating your classroom on a budget. That's why I design high-quality, creative, and fun materials that you can instantly access and print at your convenience.
Welcome to my online store! I'm passionate about creating downloadable, printable classroom resources and clip art images that make teaching easier and more enjoyable. As a fellow educator, I understand the challenges of planning engaging lessons and decorating your classroom on a budget. That's why I design high-quality, creative, and fun materials that you can instantly access and print at your convenience.
Goal Setting
Students are encouraged to write goals by creating S.M.A.R.T. goals. As they do so it is helpful for them to have a visual aid to help them think along the lines of creating sound goals. These posters are a great classroom display for them to refer to whether setting goals for a day, a week, a month or a year.
Included are three (3) classroom general posters:- one with a boy playing soccer, one with a girl playing soccer and one with a simple breakdown of the S.M.A.R.T. goals.
This is an excellent resource that is useful for covering the topic family tree with your students. There are apple cards depicting multicultural families that your students can have fun with while learning the basic and modern structure of a family. The apple tree mat can be used to build the family unit on and can be placed in a folder in plastic sleeves or laminated for longevity.
The multicultural apple family cards include - African-American, Caucasian (Brunette, Blonde, Red), Latino and Asian. Simply print the cards, laminate and cut the cards apart. Your students will build families with any combination of cards as they wish. The parent and big teen cards can be used to represent other members of the modern family.
Also included are vocabulary cards with a header depicting family words that are bordered in blue, red and black to sort according to gender: male, female and gender neutral words. A colored and black ‘n white “My Family Tree” worksheet is included for students to complete about their own family as well. The multicultural family unit is available as a blank version, for your children to colour in and the apple tree mat is included as a low ink alternative.
Onset and Rime:
These onset and rimes matching cards are great for your budding readers to practice word building. They can build both real words and nonsense words and make their lists as they go along. An extension of this activity is to categorize the words in two sets: real words and nonsense words. The rimes included are those recommended by reading experts as the 37 most common rimes that children should master. The onset cards include consonants, consonant blends and beginning digraphs The rimes are:
ack, ail, ain, ake, ale, ame, an, ank, ap ash, at, ate, aw, ay
eat, ell, est
ice, ick, ide, ight, ill, in, ine, ing, ink, ip, it
ock, oke, op, ore, ot
uck, ug, ump, unk
No word lists or pictures are included in this set.
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Ending Digraphs- 51 Picture Word Cards.
Beginning Trigraphs - 75 Picture Word Cards.
Double Consonant Endings - 63 Picture Word Cards
It's A New Year Mini Book For Serious Kids **Revised for New Year 2018** This mini book helps kids to understand the meaning of resolutions and how important it is to make one. Your kids will enjoy coloring activities as they explore different aspects of resolution making. Although the poem may be difficult for some kids to read, its flow and rhyme makes it a great piece for guided reading activities.
A Teacher's Idea
This is a mini book that serves as a template for any animal research for young researchers, kindergarten to grade 2. I included pages with headings and lines along with a blank page for drawings. The following headings are included:
*are/can/have pages ………………..5-7
*Picture/Drawing …………………... 8
*Physical Characteristics ……………9
*Locomotion/ Movement ……………10
* Unusual Features …………………11
* Behavior …………………………..12
*Habitat ……………………………. 13-16
*Living Habits ………………………. 17
* Diet …………………………….....18
* Life Cycle (lined page and graphic organizer)…19-20
*Food Web (lined and blank page)..21-22
* Special Facts …………………..23
*Adaptations (lined and blank page) ..24-25
* Enemies …………………………26
* Defence/Offence ……………….27
* Glossary …………………………28
This mini book template is formatted as 2 mini books per print. I also included both a colored and a black and white cover pages. The pages are not numbered so that you create your own set. To create this mini book simply select the pages that you want included then print. Guide your students into completing each page that you included. At the end of this exercise you can staple all the pages together to form multiple mini books for each animal that you choose. In the end your students will have a keepsake as well as a great little mini book that they created themselves.
The Real Easter Story is a two-in-one mini book (you get two copies per page) created with images that should appeal to young children. The sentences are simple, however, the vocabulary may pose a challenge to some. Therefore I would recommend that some assistance be given to students. This product comes in black and white only to facilitate easy printing and of course to allow students to color the pages themselves. The pages are set for double sided printing. I also included both a colored and a black and white version of the mini-book cover page for you.
Illustrated Synonym Word Cards: This is a kid-appealing candy themed set of synonym cards for introducing synonyms to your kiddos. There are pairs of synonyms depicted by the same picture so that they will get familiar with the concept. They can match cards or use as a visual to brainstorm other words that mean the same as the picture given.The cards can also be used to spark their writing.
For a bright candy colored theme version of this set check Candy Themed Illustrated Synonym Word Cards
There are a total of 64 illustrated synonym word cards which depict the following:
middle – center
laugh – giggle
idea – thought
end – finish
drop – fall
like – enjoy
happy – joyful
large – big
make – create
bad – naughty
good – perfect
jump – leap
kid – child
hard – difficult
choose – select
neat – tidy
nice – kind
loud – noisy
gift – present
pretty – beautiful
push – shove
quiet – silent
tired – sleepy
sniff – smell
sad – unhappy
smelly – stinky
talk – say
trash – garbage
look – watch
tiny – small
write – record
slim – thin
Fry Words: Dare you students to read like these daring dinosaurs. Daring Dinosaurs is the first in a set of printables created for sight word focus.This set includes sight word resources for work with the first 100 words:
My Daring Dinosaurs Sight Words Booklet (The First 100 Fry words) with three (3) cover options
100 Word Cards (with four blank cards)
81 Instant Phrase Cards (with seven blank cards)
Two Certificates (for Sight Word and Phrase reading achievement)
Two sets of Reward Badges (for Sight Word and Phrase reading achievement)
The words and phrase cards can be used in literacy or word work centers. The sight word booklet can be given to students for either independent work at school or for home practice either in word recognition or spelling activities.
Stay tuned for more of Daring Dinosaurs!
Homophone Memory Sheets are a fantastic way to get your students to remember the spelling of confusing homophones. Research has shown that when students use drawings and illustrations with words they make meaningful associations thus facilitating easy recall. Let your kiddos draw their own pictures to remember the homophones. In the case of low imagery words that cannot be depicted students can either find their own unique way to remember the word or simple leave it blank. The trick is that the other word in the pair would help them to make that distinction in spelling. Students can compile the sheets and form their own homophone dictionary for future reference.
Included in this set is a blank template for adding more pairs to the set.
Bossy e
Here's an original poem and accompanying visual aid to help your students with the CVCe pattern (split digraphs).
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